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Writing the Body, Speaking the Earth:

A Movement and Writing Series
online + in nature wherever you live: join us from wherever you are  

With Stefana Serafina, M.A.

all genders welcome

diversity scholarships for black and indigenous people 


Next Edition: NOVEMBER 11–JAN 6 2020/21 

Please join our email list to hear about the next edition

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 The Earth is dreaming through you. Let us dream together...

The Earth is dreaming through us. Its dreams are born through our imagination, our body’s rhythms and knowings,  our actions, our values, our voices, our commitment. Many of us feel more and more strongly that our sentient Earth is reaching out to us into our sentient bodies, touching cords, stirring emotional and sensual movements  inside us, whispering through our sensitivities, desires, and longings about the need to co-create a new chapter– together. To bring forth a new dream, a new Story of the People that deeply honors life and all of its diverse human and non-human beings, we must be in deep, consistent, and embodied conversation with our Earth, to be not only her guardians, but her representatives, her spokespeople, her voices. 

 The Invitation 

This series invites you to the soulful writing– literally and figuratively–of our new story, with our bodies and their movements  as the primary receivers and communicators of earthly intelligence, and our writing–as the creative, clarifying, and penetrating language for this intelligence to take form and be expressed.   


 Your Guide: Stefana Serafina, M.A.

Stefana  has been guiding embodied learning and transformation and teaching on the subjects of deep body®, eros, earth, and personal soulful mythology for over a decade, and  has been writing since age 5. This series brings her greatest passions together while offering a potent space for the creative genius that moves through each of us as an expression of the Earth’s dream.

Stefana is the founder of Intuitive Body and Dance. See Stefana's full bio here

  The Structure

  • Four weekly Wednesday classes: November 11, 18, Dec 2, 9 (No class Wed Nov 25, Thanksgiving

  • December: Solo deep-body nature walks and wild wanders wherever leading up to the Winter Solstice. We provide guidelines + prompts.

  •  A half-day online retreat Sunday January 10 

  • If you miss a call, recordings will be provided. 


See more details about the format and how our time will be spent further below.

 During this series you will join an intimate group of like-spirited people from all over the world for:


Four weekly  two-hour Wednesday classes: November 11,18, December 2, 9: 2021

 10 am–12 pm Pacific Time {1–3 pm Eastern/ 19–21 h Central European Time}  

Each week we will meet for a two-hour long class,  and Stefana will guide intuitive movement, earth-body explorations, sensual dance, and deep body practices for contacting your inner mythology, dreams, and desires, in partnership and in conversation with the dreaming Earth. The embodiment practices will be interwoven with embodied  free-flow writing– intuitive poetry and prose, bridging body and Earth with words. We will share and reenact some of the writing and listen both for the individual and the collective stories that are emerging. You will leave the call nourished, creatively sparked and inspired, and with an embodied writing prompt for the week. 


A Month of Solo Deep–Body Nature Walks Wherever You Live: December.  We will provide the guidelines+resources!   

On Your Own Schedule


After our last meeting, you will be given guidelines and resources for taking some intentional Deep-Body Nature Walks throughout the month of December– your own wild wanders into nature and ritualized communications with the living world, on your timing and terms, wherever you live. A city park will be sufficient, although you will be strongly encouraged to venture out into a wilder terrain. You will commune with nature on your own time and continue moving and writing as you please,  sharing with our hive via our online community as you desire.  


A Half-Day Online Retreat: Sunday Jan 10 2021,

9 am–12:30 pm Pacific Time {12–3:30 pm Eastern/ 18–21:30 h Central European Time}  


We will meet for a half-day online retreat to embody  and listen to our budding narratives, and  piece together the emergent story into a collective tapestry that we will later find ways to share with the world.  


Learn more about your guide and facilitator Stefana Serafina 

 This series is for you if:


  • Want to be sparked creatively, to make art with your body, soul, and mind, even if you never think of yourself as an artist, mover, or writer; 

  • Looking for ways to be guided, supported, witnessed, and seen in your conversations with the wise Earth and your deeper life––and in offering your personal genius as a contribution to the emergent story of the world; 

  • Want to free up your creative voice (even further) and experience life as a continuous flirtation with the mysteries and muses of the land and your own body;

  • Want to be part of a highly creative, eloquent, soul-searching community of like-minded humans and practice social activism through embodiment and creativity.

  • You already love moving and writing and want a deeply meaningful and inspiring container to do more of that. 

REGISTRATION: Nov 11-Jan 10 2021

Full Series includes all classes, take-home prompts, guidelines for Deep Body Nature Walks, and half-day online retreat.


$165 USD  


Email us at, and we will create an installment plan for you.

NOTE: We have some partial scholarships for black and/or Native/indigenous people, on a first come, first served basis. We need and welcome your voices, and want to amplify them in the telling of a New Story. To request an assisted spot, email


For Movement & Transformative Embodiment California, United States

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