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Mythic Woman Journeys 

An 8-Session Online Journey  of Restoring Feminine Psyche & Soul Through Story and Movement 

With Stefana Serafina, M.A.

The Witch. The Forest Dancing Women. The Well Maidens. Bone Woman. The Weeping Woman. The Woman of the Tower. Big-Bellied Woman & the Dirty Goddess.

Meet yourself in the mirror of eight mythic women and recognize their unique medicine as your own. Through your body's instinctual, spontaneous, sensory language, you will journey to a place within your psyche where the mythic meets the ordinary, and harness these mythic women's guidance, power, and tenderness- inside your own body. You will return with lessons & wisdom for your life and your community. 

In these eight immersive journeys, pre-recorded live with participants from around the world, Stefana weaves a web of stories from Europe, the Americas, and the Old Indigenous World,  which tell of formative Mythic Woman characters, each one centering a specific role and purpose as a carrier of deep feminine psyche. You will "move inside the story", and you will be guided through our unique Deep Body Movement  practices to  investigate how you uniquely embody the qualities of the respective mythic women, how they inform your soul story at this time, and  what specific keys and assignments they have for your personal heroine’s journey forward. 



Who is the Mythic Woman?


We don't have to call her by the same name to recognize her. Bone Woman, Wolf Woman, the Well Maiden, Inanna, Persephone, Mad Woman, Witch....

The Mythic Woman comes in many expressions and faces, but regardless of the oral tradition of her origin, her heirloom is unmistakable– the wild, the instinctual, the intuitive, the earthly and the cyclical, the poetic, the mysterious, the sensuous. 

Inside us, she is DNA, both personal and collective, that keeps the codes for what is never-to-be-lost of the feminine earthly spirit– and she is most easily evidenced in our bodies when we feel, sense, and move with freedom, dancing on the edge between our mythopoetic identity and our mundane lives. 

At important intersections of our lives, Mythic Woman finds us to infuse us with a new role, give us a torch to carry, entrust us with the carving out of a new path, induce us into a necessary life-and-death passage, or gives us a  new “assignment”.  


  • Each session is designed for potency and  transformation on its own, and together they make for a complete descent into the soul of the mythic feminine– and into your personal myth.  We strongly recommend taking the entire series as a powerful mythopoetic journey- step by step, and it whatever order feels intuitively right for you. 

  • All recordings and materials will be available to you indefinitely, so you can revisit the course at any time when the desire arises



  • to reconnect to the most essential aspects of your personal myth & your personal legend

  • to rediscover and live rooted in the instinctual, emotional, sensual, and ancestral intelligence of your body​

  • to see your life, your obstacles, pains, and possibilities through the lens of myth and story and receive embodied medicine and 'advice' for your path from collective heroines who still live in our psyche

  • if your body is longing to stretch into a greater shape of you, toward a greater horizon, into more freedom, aliveness, and soul

  • if you already suspect that you yourself are no different than a mythic woman on a long journey home to the ancestral feminine


  •  8 sessions, each between 90 and 180 mins long, recorded live with Stefana and participants from around the world

  • 16 hours of journeying, practice, teachings, and community sharing, available both in video and in audio-only format

  • Lifetime access

SESSION 1: The Witch

Rendered by mainstream folklore as an ugly old woman, often evil and always scary, the Witch lurks from the oldest stories of the world as a prominent and powerful hag to be afraid of and avoided at all cost. But  the vital legacy of the Witch, her true medicine, her ability to conjure the power of nature through her own body, and her indelible presence in our own psychies have not been obscured– even after centuries of mistelling her stories and fiercely punishing women who carry her torch. In this session held during the “witch hour” on Friday the 13, we will call her name, enter her enchanted forest, request her magic tools and discover her as… ourselves: One who knows nature as herself. An oracle, a seer, a transformer. Slayer of the ‘Good Girl’. Bringer of little deaths that wake a more authentic and ferocious life. One who knows her Body as a portal to power and truth. Guardian of pleasure, laughter, good food, and generous curves. Keeper of the untamable, unconventional, gregarious womanness. Whisperer of the invisible knowledge.

SESSION 2: Wakame and the Well Maidens 

Wakame the Seaweed was once a young woman punished for the crime of knowing the language of forest, plants, and ocean. Transformed by the ocean into a sea plant to save her life, Wakame still keeps preserves her knowledge so that all who undulate and flow like her can remember the feminine ways in their bodies. The Well Maidens were the guardians of the wells of wisdom and abundance, until…. 
Join us for the telling of  stories of women who preserve the knowledge of how to live in harmony, reciprocity and reflection to the lands and the seas. Stories of very different  mythological origin, they introduce us to the one inside us who is:
Keeper of flow. Protector of deep sensuousness as intelligence. Bridger of the visible and invisible worlds. Knower of the Underworld. Guardian of the deep well of feminine wisdom.


SESSION 3:  Samodiva, the Wild Dancing Women of the Forests

We weave a web of stories from the ancient folklore of Eastern and Northern Europe, including the samodiva, iele, elf, and huldra, who, in a myriad of languages and cultures are told to be the mysterious forest dwelling women who dance under the moon, in the mist, amidst the trees, in the dark night, often naked, sometimes around the fire. Skilled at magic, at home in the forest, seductive and dangerous, they are: Keepers of the mystery of dance. Guardians of the sanctity of the female body. Preservers of nature’s knowledge. Knowers of herbal medicine. Archivists of the untamable wild spirit. Embodiments of erotic superpower.


SESSION 4:  Bone Woman: La Huesera, La Loba, She Who Knows

We will move with a convergence of  stories  about a woman older than time  who often lives in a deep, dark cave that everyone has heard of but no one has seen. She has been sitting there for thousands of years, outside the reach of the world’s busy affairs, and although few know of her mere existence, she has been keeping the world turning, preserving the Earth’s intrinsic knowledge, weaving it into a garment or a rug or a spider web, or cooking it into soups and stews that contain the seeds and roots of all wisdom, or singing bones back to life. She sees in the dark, often keeps a fire as old as her, and in this way preserves all stories that have ever been told around a fire.


SESSION 5: The Woman in the Tower

Countless stories from around the world, heroines are locked up in a tower, often to prevent them from following their heart, loving who they love, or doing what they want–– or when they are deemed mad or wild, they are sent to hiding in the Tower so that ‘normal’ can go on. 
Here, we will seek to find abandoned and forgotten parts of our psyche and deeper lives that have been locked-up in our inner Tower, by our cultures, people in our lives, and, especially, by ourselves,  in order to banish parts of the wild feminine within–– and in the world. We will climb up into our own inner Tower to find and rescue the woman in us who has been locked there to be protected, punished, or hidden, and we will begin to restore the psyche of the one inside us framed as Mad Woman. She is: Keeper of Wild Woman legacy. Mad genius. Guardian of the messy, the emotional, the irrational. The buoyant, unrestrained feminine. Wild creator. Destroyer of fake facades. Bringer of true vulnerability. One whose deep heart must be rescued. 


SESSION 6: Völva

A portal to the inner world, a gatekeeper to our most sacred place inside, a seat of the erotic intelligence of the female body, VULVA invites us to a journey into the mysteries, pleasures, protections, and powers of the female form.  VULVA is not just one thing: She is rather the fullness of the sexual organ of the female body that includes the inner and outer lips ( the other mouth), our vestibule-the vaginal opening, and our pleasure parlor, the clitoris. And although in modern definitions, we think of the vulva as the external sexual organ, the truth is that it extends deeply inward, it opens the doors into our bodies and guides the way into the deep– and in its ancient Latin origin, the word vulva actually meant womb. To tap the even greater significance of our vulvas, we must keep in mind also that in Old Norse society, Völva was a female practitioner of magic and prophecy– a prophetess, seer, sooth-sayer, and witch.

In this edge-walk, we will take a somatic journey into the wholeness of Vulva- as a sexual and spiritual activator and transformer, as a portal to our depths, a record keeper of our most ancient knowledge of the sanctity of the female body,  and also the symbolic and practical throne of the Seer and the Sexual Priestess in our own bodies. 


SESSION 7: The Weeping Woman

 Across cultures and stories, from La Llorona of Mexico to Niobe of Greece, the Weeping Woman of the world weeps and weeps, her tears never cease. She cries over what has been lost and disrespected, over injustice and betrayal, over dreams that never came true. Her grief is an unstoppable force that flows in rivers and oceans- and in our bodies & hearts. Unlocking the medicine of our own sorrow and grief is a transformative power we may have never suspected.

SESSION 8: Big Bellied Woman

Big bellied women is the oldest woman in the world: The huge-bodied, voluptuous naked goddess portrayed by the first goddess sculptures, and often linked to the Greek  'dirty goddess' Baubo, of whom it is said, "her nipples are her eyes  and her vulva is her mouth". We will move with the stories of the improper goddess and the many big-bellied ancient women, including the astonishing Sleeping Lady of Malta, whose ample proportions reminds of the  true size of the feminine in us.

About your guide 


 Stefana Serafina, m.a.

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is an embodiment educator, transformative movement facilitator, mentor & writer. She is the founder of the Deep Body Institute in California, recognized for her unique body– and movement–based approach to personal growth and collective healing. Weaving together movement journeys and expressive arts approaches, nature- and soul-centric body practices, women’s sensuality & mystery traditions, embodied archetypal psyche, and ritual dance, Stefana’s unique facilitation and teachings have been called "life-changing and life-giving",  "deeply penetrating and rekindling", a "masterful invitation to the remembrance of who we are''. 

Since 2009, Stefana has worked with communities across the  U.S., Europe, Central America, and online, developing inthe process the Deep–Body Method® for self-discovery and embodied wholeness, which serves as the foundation of our work.


See more about Stefana's credentials and her personal story of developing the work. 


What's Included

  • An online course portal with 8 digital sessions, between 1.5 and 2.5  hrs each, pre-recorded live with Stefana and participants from around the world

  • Over 16 hours of practice, teachings, and community sharing, available both in video and in audio-only forma

COST $333 USD   Lifetime access


For Movement & Transformative Embodiment California, United States

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